English vocabulary & reading comprehension skills

Reading Skill Sections provide the essential reading, academic, and critical thinking skills that learners require.

Target Vocabulary Practice teaches the most useful words and phrases needed for academic reading.

ORGANIZAFAPP (Formación y Actualización Permanente del Profesorado)
HORARIO DE TUTORÍAS: Lunes de 22:00 a 23:30 horas
DIRIGIDO A: Dirigido principalmente al profesorado de cualquiera de las áreas educativa.

Convocatorias, Guías Didácticas, resoluciones de homologación y programaciones de las Actividades.

Practise and improve your reading skills with these texts and exercises.

This course offers reading practice to help you understand texts with an extensive vocabulary where you may need to consider the writer's opinion. Documents include articles, reports, messages, short stories and reviews.